Cool looking Gizmo uccw widget skin for your android devices.
* App contains 3 versions of the skin. One with grey header bar, one with reddish orange and another with blue header bar.
* All 3 skins show time in sleek and big fonts.
* Header bar contains Current weather condition icon with current temperature and current date.
* Bottom bar has 5 buttons. Home, Calls, Search, Text, Maps.
* Missed calls and new text counts show up here. Your current location shows up above Maps button.
* There are total of 9 hotspots in each skin. You can assign your favorite apps to these.
* Tap the gear icon at the top right to edit the skin.
To use this skin, you have to install, apply and optionally edit/assign hotspots to the skin.
Install -
* After downloading the skin app from play store, launch it.
* Tap "Install Skin" button in the app.
* Tap "Ok" when it asks you whether you want to replace app. This step is replacing the skin installer with the actual skin. OR
* If you are using a KitKat device, it'll ask whether you want to update the existing app.
* Tap "Install". When that finishes, tap "Done". Skin is now installed.
Apply -
* You must have latest version of Ultimate custom widget (UCCW) installed.
* Place a UCCW widget of 4x3 size on the homescreen. You can do so by dragging the widget from app drawer or by long pressing homescreen to pull up widget menu.
* This will open the skins list. Skins installed from play store will show up ONLY HERE.
* Tap on the Gizmo skin you want to apply and it'll be applied to the widget.
* Long press on the widget and resize it as & if necessary.
Edit -
* After applying the skin as mentioned above, launch UCCW app itself. Tap Menu, tap "hotspot mode" and tap 'OFF'. UCCW will exit.
* Now tap anywhere on the uccw widget. It'll open in uccw edit window.
* Scroll through the components in the bottom half of the screen. Assign apps to hotspots in this window. This IS a MUST.
* You can change color, format etc too (optional) in this window.
* When done, no need to save. That won't work. Simply tap Menu, tap "hotspot mode" and tap 'ON'. UCCW will exit. Your changes will now be applied to the widget.
* If the "Install" step fails; go to Android settings > Security and make sure "Unknown sources" is enabled. Reason explained here -
* To change temperature unit between Celsius and Fahrenheit -> Launch UCCW app itself. Tap Menu, tap settings. Here, if "Celsius" is marked, temperature will display in Celsius. If unmarked, Fahrenheit.
* If weather info is not displayed/updated, Launch UCCW app itself. Tap Menu, tap settings, tap location. Make sure "Auto location" is checked and that the third row is correctly showing your location.
* You can also tap Menu, tap settings, tap 'weather provider' and change the selected provider.
Mail me if you have ANY issues.
Keren mencari Gizmo uccw widget kulit untuk perangkat android Anda.
== FITUR ==
* App berisi 3 versi kulit. Satu dengan abu-abu sundulan bar, satu dengan oranye kemerahan dan lain dengan biru sundulan bar.
* Semua 3 kulit menunjukkan waktu dalam font ramping dan besar.
* Bar header berisi Current icon kondisi cuaca dengan suhu saat ini dan tanggal saat ini.
* Bawah bar memiliki 5 tombol. Home, Panggilan, Search, Teks, Maps.
* Panggilan tak terjawab dan jumlah teks baru muncul di sini. Anda saat ini lokasi muncul di atas tombol Maps.
* Ada total 9 hotspot di setiap kulit. Anda dapat menetapkan aplikasi favorit Anda untuk ini.
* Tekan ikon roda gigi di bagian kanan atas untuk mengedit kulit.
Untuk menggunakan skin ini, Anda harus menginstal, berlaku dan opsional edit / menetapkan hotspot pada kulit.
Instal -
* Setelah men-download aplikasi kulit dari bermain toko, memulai itu.
* Tekan "Install Skin" tombol di app.
* Tekan "Ok" ketika ia meminta Anda apakah Anda ingin mengganti app. Langkah ini menggantikan installer kulit dengan kulit yang sebenarnya. OR
* Jika Anda menggunakan perangkat KitKat, itu akan menanyakan apakah Anda ingin mengupdate aplikasi yang sudah ada.
* Tekan "Install". Ketika itu selesai, tekan "Selesai". Kulit sekarang terinstal.
Terapkan -
* Anda harus memiliki versi terbaru dari Ultimate widget kustom (UCCW) diinstal.
* Tempatkan widget UCCW ukuran 4x3 di homescreen. Anda dapat melakukannya dengan menyeret widget dari laci aplikasi atau dengan panjang menekan homescreen untuk menarik widget menu.
* Ini akan membuka daftar kulit. Skins diinstal dari bermain toko akan muncul HANYA DI SINI.
* Tekan pada kulit Gizmo Anda ingin menerapkan dan itu akan diterapkan untuk widget.
* Tekan lama pada widget dan mengubah ukurannya sebagai & jika perlu.
Edit -
* Setelah menerapkan kulit seperti yang disebutkan di atas, meluncurkan UCCW app itu sendiri. Tekan Menu, tekan "mode hotspot" dan tekan 'OFF'. UCCW akan keluar.
* Sekarang tekan di mana saja di widget uccw. Ini akan terbuka di uccw jendela edit.
* Gulir melalui komponen di bagian bawah layar. Menetapkan aplikasi ke hotspot di jendela ini. Ini IS KEHARUSAN.
* Anda dapat mengubah warna, bentuk dll juga (opsional) dalam jendela ini.
* Setelah selesai, tidak perlu untuk menyimpan. Itu tidak akan bekerja. Cukup tekan Menu, tekan "mode hotspot" dan tekan 'ON'. UCCW akan keluar. Perubahan Anda sekarang akan diterapkan pada widget.
== TIPS / Masalah ==
* Jika "Install" Langkah gagal; pergi ke pengaturan Android> Security dan pastikan "Unknown sources" diaktifkan. Alasan dijelaskan di sini -
* Untuk mengubah satuan suhu antara Celsius dan Fahrenheit -> Launch UCCW app itu sendiri. Tekan Menu, pengaturan tap. Di sini, jika "Celcius" ditandai, suhu akan ditampilkan dalam Celcius. Jika ditandai, Fahrenheit.
* Jika info cuaca tidak ditampilkan / diperbarui, Luncurkan UCCW app itu sendiri. Tekan Menu, pengaturan tap, tap lokasi. Pastikan "lokasi Auto" dicentang dan bahwa baris ketiga dengan benar menunjukkan lokasi Anda.
* Anda juga dapat menekan Menu, pengaturan tap, 'penyedia cuaca' tekan dan mengubah penyedia yang dipilih.
Mail saya jika Anda memiliki masalah APAPUN.
Cool looking Gizmo uccw widget skin for your android devices.
* App contains 3 versions of the skin. One with grey header bar, one with reddish orange and another with blue header bar.
* All 3 skins show time in sleek and big fonts.
* Header bar contains Current weather condition icon with current temperature and current date.
* Bottom bar has 5 buttons. Home, Calls, Search, Text, Maps.
* Missed calls and new text counts show up here. Your current location shows up above Maps button.
* There are total of 9 hotspots in each skin. You can assign your favorite apps to these.
* Tap the gear icon at the top right to edit the skin.
To use this skin, you have to install, apply and optionally edit/assign hotspots to the skin.
Install -
* After downloading the skin app from play store, launch it.
* Tap "Install Skin" button in the app.
* Tap "Ok" when it asks you whether you want to replace app. This step is replacing the skin installer with the actual skin. OR
* If you are using a KitKat device, it'll ask whether you want to update the existing app.
* Tap "Install". When that finishes, tap "Done". Skin is now installed.
Apply -
* You must have latest version of Ultimate custom widget (UCCW) installed.
* Place a UCCW widget of 4x3 size on the homescreen. You can do so by dragging the widget from app drawer or by long pressing homescreen to pull up widget menu.
* This will open the skins list. Skins installed from play store will show up ONLY HERE.
* Tap on the Gizmo skin you want to apply and it'll be applied to the widget.
* Long press on the widget and resize it as & if necessary.
Edit -
* After applying the skin as mentioned above, launch UCCW app itself. Tap Menu, tap "hotspot mode" and tap 'OFF'. UCCW will exit.
* Now tap anywhere on the uccw widget. It'll open in uccw edit window.
* Scroll through the components in the bottom half of the screen. Assign apps to hotspots in this window. This IS a MUST.
* You can change color, format etc too (optional) in this window.
* When done, no need to save. That won't work. Simply tap Menu, tap "hotspot mode" and tap 'ON'. UCCW will exit. Your changes will now be applied to the widget.
* If the "Install" step fails; go to Android settings > Security and make sure "Unknown sources" is enabled. Reason explained here -
* To change temperature unit between Celsius and Fahrenheit -> Launch UCCW app itself. Tap Menu, tap settings. Here, if "Celsius" is marked, temperature will display in Celsius. If unmarked, Fahrenheit.
* If weather info is not displayed/updated, Launch UCCW app itself. Tap Menu, tap settings, tap location. Make sure "Auto location" is checked and that the third row is correctly showing your location.
* You can also tap Menu, tap settings, tap 'weather provider' and change the selected provider.
Mail me if you have ANY issues.